Womens Artistic Gymnastics

Well done to the Women's Artistic Gymnasts who competed at the Zinc & Copper Regional Finals at Pipers Vale yesterday. We are so proud of you all for making it to such a tough competition with the top 3 gymnasts from the 6 counties coming together to compete.

In the second round in the Zinc age 9/10yrs Violet came second overall with 1st on vault and 3rd on beam and Jess also place 3rd on beam finishing in 13th overall.

In the last round at Zinc age 11+ Lyanna had a great competiton finishing 9th overall and Ellie was in the Copper 12+ age group and placed 5th on beam and finished 16th overall.

#teammarriotts #womensartisticgymnastics #marriottsgymnasticsclub


DMT Loule Cup 2022


Herts County Steel & Zinc Teams