Recreational Gymnastics


Our recreational gymnastics classes are 55 minutes in length and run by qualified General or Artistic Gymnastics coaches and trainee coaches / volunteers.   All of our coaches over the age of 16 have current enhanced DBS clearance and complete Safeguarding and Protecting children training.


Recreational Gymnastics Classes

Our classes are 55 minutes long.

Classes begin with a warm up and stretch followed by rotations on a number of apparatus and finishing with a cool down.   Children work in groups of ability with a qualified coach leading the session. We use the following Apparatus in these classes:

Vault and Trampette – Asymetric Bars – Rings – Parallel Bars – Beam – Floor and Tumble – Trampoline

We run our own Marriotts Gymnastics Club Award Scheme to test the progress of the gymnasts with one award completed per term. 

You will be contacted directly when it is time for your gymnast to move to a new class for their age / ability.

£10.00 per class
(paid termly in advance + award scheme fee)
+ membership


Recreational Gymnastics Class Times

4.15 - 5.10PM - 5yrs+
5.15 - 6.10PM - 8yrs+
6.15 - 7.10PM - by invitation


4.15 - 5.10PM - 5yrs+
5.15 - 6.10PM - 8yrs+
6.15 - 7.10PM - by invitation

4.15 - 5.10PM - 5yrs+
5.15 - 6.10PM - 8yrs+
6.15 - 7.10PM - by invitation
7.15 - 8.10PM - 13-17yrs


4.15 - 5.10PM - 5yrs+
5.15 - 6.10PM - 8yrs+
6.15 - 7.10PM - by invitation

4.15 - 5.10PM - 5yrs+
5.15 - 6.10PM - 8yrs+


Marriotts Award Scheme

Our Marriotts Gymnastics Club Award Scheme is a progressive programme.

The scheme has 24 awards in total, starting at Red Level 1 and finishing at Purple Level 8. Each level is divided into three sections with its own award of either a bronze ribbon, a silver ribbon or a gold medal.

Gymnasts are tested on skills on the equipment that is used in their classes - vault, trampoline, trampette, bars, beam and floor and will commence on a level suitable to their age and/or ability.


Summer Term Re-enrolments

If your child is due to move class in the Summer Term we will contact you to arrange this before we send out the invoices.

You will receive your Summer Term invoice around 28 February 2025 and payment will be due by 15 March 2025.

You can login here - LoveAdmin with your username (which is the email address that the email was sent to)

The payment is made via London & Zurich which uses a one-off direct debit payment.  We can not take payments by paypal or debit or credit card at this time.

Payment must be made by the date on your email or your child's place in their class will be cancelled.



Recreational Gymnastics Term Dates & Events


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