Mens London Open 2023 Day 1

Congratulations to Ethan, Chris & Riley who competed in the London Open at U16 FIG on Friday 12 May 2023

After a scary fall on Rings at the start of the competition Riley picked himself up and managed to complete excellent routines on floor (12.35) and high bar (11.55) to place 4th & 5th respectively.

Ethan had a consistent competition up until the last apparatus, pommel, he scored a respectable 60.75 AA to place 24th.

Christian started his competition with a stuck dismount on Rings to score 10.65, he placed 27th AA.

Well done to the Mens Artistic Squad gymnasts and Coach Callum.

#marriottsgymnasticsclub #mensartisticgymnastics #teammarriotts #MLO2023


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