Pegasus Open 2 July 2023

Mens Artistic Gymnastics Report

Excellent performances all round at the Pegasus Open on Sunday 2 July 2023.

A clean sweep in the U16 all around competition with 1st, 2nd & 3rd going to Marriotts MAG Squad

Riley took home the gold, along with several apparatus medals.

Ethan in silver medal position, also picked up bronze apparatus medals on floor and pommel.

Christian earned himself the bronze medal all around and stuck his kasamatsu on vault to finish 3rd on that apparatus.

Kamran had a good day at his first competition this year, successfully completing all his routines without any major mistakes, including several new skills on pbars and high bar.

Great results for Coach Callum the squad and thanks to Fin for judging for the day.

#pegasusopen2023 #mensartisticgymnastics #marriottsgymnasticsclub #teammarriotts


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