Pipers Vale Cup 3 December 2023

Mens Artistic Gymnastics Report

Well done to the MAG squad who competed at the Pipers Vale Cup on Sunday.

Andrew (u12) competed several new skills & routines and placed 5th on pommels, & 14th AA.

Jools (u14) 20th AA in his first FIG competition, including 7th on pommels.

Fin, Dylan, Riley, Chris competed in the junior competition (u16 & u18 combined) all doing exceptionally well, scoring 68.55 (12th), 68.3 (14th), 69.45 (10th) & 64.2 (24th) respectively.

Special mention to Fin who won vault with his impressive Kasamatsu 3/2, and handspring straight front 1/2.

Ethan was unfortunately unable to compete due to an injury he picked earlier in the week.

The MGC mixed team consisting of Andrew, Jools & Riley scored 188.9 to finish 6th out of 10 teams.

Thanks to Coach Callum and Vincent for judging.

#teammarriotts #mensartisticgymnastics #marriottsgymnasticsclub #unleashyourinnergymnast


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