Classic Challenge Copper & Bronze - Regional Finals 2023

Womens Artistic Gymnastics

Well done to WAG gymnasts Ellie and Violet who competed at the Regional Finals of the Classic Challenge at Bronze and Copper levels on 29 October & 5 November 2023.

At Copper age 10/11 yrs Violet placed 3rd on beam and was just out of the medals with 4th on vault coming 6th overall in a field of 17 gymnasts.

With 46 gymnasts from across the region competing at Bronze open age group, gymnast Eliie competed well with some upgrades to her routines including her new forward circle on bars to place 22nd on that apparatus.

Well done to the gymnasts and their coaches

#unleashyourinnergymnast #marriottsgymnasticsclub #womensartisticgymnastics #teammarriotts


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