WAG County Teams Competition 10 November 2024

Womens Artistic Gymnastics

A very long but fabulous day for the WAG squads at the County teams competition today.

Steel Teams

Silver for Aveline, Erin, FLora and Tilly

Bronze for Charlotte, Farren, Jess and Fiorella

Copper Teams

Silver for Darcy, Lacey, Lyanna and Violet

Jemima was a guest and put in good performance on Bars and Beam having had to miss the individual competition in September.

Zinc Teams

Alice and Lizzie moved up to their first zinc competition to team up with Amy and Betty. A great experience for the girls who were outside the medals this time.

Bronze Teams

No team but Betty competed as a guest to put in an overall score of 44.85

#marriottsgymnasticsclub #womensartisticgymnastics #teammarriotts


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