Womens Artistic Compulsory & National Grades Qualifier 2023

Congratulations to the Womens Artistic Gymnasts who competed at the Regional Qualifiers of the Complusory & National Grades at Pipers Vale in Ipswich this weekend.

National Grade 1 - Teah placed 4th overall and has qualified for the National Final as part of the East Region Team.

National Grade 3 - Cailtin passed with a great score of 58.50 placing 11th overall

Compulsory Grade 4 - Holly passed the grade with a score of 54.45 in 8th place overall gaining the highest score on floor.

Well done to the gymnasts and their coach Alex.

#teammarriotts #womensartisticgymnastics #marriottsgymnasticsclub


DMT & TRA English Qualification 1 2023


County Club & Regional Grades Qualifiers 2023