County Club & Regional Grades Qualifiers 2023

Sunday 19 March saw the county qualifiers for the British Gymnastics Club and Regional Grades.

The top three gymmasts in each age group at Regional grades 4-1 will go onto compete at Regional FInals in Ipswich.

Congratulations to Women's Artistic Gymnasts Darcy, Jemima, Jess, Violet & Lyanna who all passed Regional Grade 4 with Distinction at the regional qualifiers today.

Violet became County champion in the 11-12 age group followed closely by Jess in second and Lyanna was joint County Champion in the 13+ age group. All three gymnasts have now qualified to thxe Regional Finals in Ipswich in May.

What another great day for the gymnasts of Marriotts and their Coach Corey.

#womensartisticgymnastics #teammarriotts #marriottsgymnasticsclub


Womens Artistic Compulsory & National Grades Qualifier 2023


DMT & Trampoline NDP Qualifiers 12 Mar 2023