MAG Tom Wilson Invitational 8 October 2023

Mens Artistic Gymnastics Report

The Men's Artistic Squad competed at the Tom Wilson invitational in Milton Keynes yesterday

FIG U14:

Jools first ever full FIG level completion he did excellently to perform full routines on all 6 apparatus, winning the All Around completion

FIG U16:

Riley placed in the top three on floor, pommel, vault, pbars & 1st on high bar, 2nd AA

Dylan 2nd on pommel & rings, 3rd AA

Chris 2nd floor, 3rd rings, 4th AA

Ethan performed a new floor routine including double bk, but placed just outside the medals in 4th.

FIG U18:

Fin was the only one in his comp, but scored a new competition PB of 69.1 AA

Level 3

Kam performed lots of new skills, and achieved bronze on vault.

Level 1

Caison also improved since regionals, and even picked up a bronze medal on


Pre-Level 1

Albie performed very confidently at his first ever competition, & Isaiah improved on most of his scores since the Regional competition 4 weeks ago, including an impressive 8.3 on pbars with a stuck dismount.

Well done to the MAG squad and Coach Callum

#unleashyourinnergymnast #mensartisticgynastics #marriottsgymnasticsclub #teammarriotts


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