County Steel Apparatus Competition

Womens Artistic Gymnastics

Fabulous results for our WAG gymnasts at yesterdays County Steel competiton.

Age 9/10 yrs was a large group of 17 gymnasts

Amy - County champion with gold on floor and bars and silver on vault

Betty - 6th on vault and 5th on floor and 10th oberall

Age 11/12 years

Jessica was county champion , with gold on bars & beam, silver on floor and bronze on vault.

Charlotte was second overall by just .05 with gold on vault, silver on bars and beam and bronze on floor.

Alice was 5th overall with a bronze on bars and Farren placed 6th.

Age 7/8 year - another large group 0f 19 gymnasts.

There were no medals for Tilly, Flora and Fiorella but they gained valuable experience in their first individual apparatus competition

Congratulations to the gymnasts and thanks to coaches Amy and Corey and judges Millie and Paula

#unleashyourinnergymnast #marriotsgymnasticsclub #teammarriotts #womensartisticgymnastics


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