Classic Challenge Copper - Gold County Qualifiers 2023

Womens Artistic Gymnastics

A great day for the WAG squad at the Copper and Bronze Classic Challenge County Qualifiers today.

Copper - age 10/11yrs

Violet was second overall, gold vault, silver beam and bronze floor & vault and Jemima got bronze on bars. Darcy had to sadly withdraw from the competition due to an injury in warm up and we wish her a speedy recovery.

Copper - age 12yrs+

Lyanna silver and Lacey bronze on bars

Bronze - age 13+

Ellie - bronze on beam & floor

Thanks to our judges for the day, Millie, Paula and Lucy and congratulations to all the gymnasts and to Violet & Ellie who have both qualified to regional finals 😍

#marriotsgymnasticsclub #unleashyourinnergymnast #womensartisticgymnastics #teammarriotts


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